Beep Kickball is an adapted sport for people who are visually impaired or blind. It is played on a flat field with a ball that beeps and two bases that buzz. There is no second base, no throwing the ball and no running around all the bases. There are 5 players on each team and everyone wears a blindfold to equalize the differences in vision. Simply explained, the kicker kicks the ball and runs to tag the buzzing base, either first or third. If they tag the base before a fielder picks up the ball, they are safe and scores a run. If a fielder picks up the ball first, the runner is out. Three outs, six innings, game over!
Registration will include a full season (June - September) and a jersey. For personal hygienic reasons, we will ask that participants purchase their own blindfolds. New registration information will be posted here shortly.
For official rules, please visit:
Listen here to the Ottawa Beep Kickball League being promoted on CBC Radio.